Santana Population

The importance of the Advanced Campus of University must also be pointed out State of Fair of Santana, implanted in 1998, that it comes developing research in the area of Geocincias, with excellent results for the minimizao of the indices of depredation of the environment and for the improvement of the rendering of services in the tourist sector – main regional economic vocation – and also for decentralization of the education of 3 degree, initiative adopted for the bahian universities state, objectifying to form professionals of superior level, compromised with its communities and enabled to promote the development sustainable of the region where they are inserted. Amongst as many implementos for the tourist development, the implantation of the Sheet Airport, in 1998, located the 20 km of the headquarters of the Sheet city, possessing the dimension of 2080 x 30 meters, total paved, with capacity to receive aircraft from the type Boeing 737, was of utmost importance, therefore the investment aims at to adjust to the region of the Chapada Diamantina for the reception of a flow of therefore not only made possible extremely efficient an aerial access of great emitting centers of tourist as Salvador Brasilia and So Paulo – as for the limited resident population until then to the road ways. I deal it of the region basically is come back to take care of the tourist activity, presenting an excellent hoteleira net, diverse bars, restaurants, travel agencies, store of artesanato and of souvenirs of the region among others establishments, that the population takes inserted local it in this context, over all in the prices come back toward the tourist, become the cities of Seabra and Palmeiras one I take refuge for the purchases day to day of this population that if finds almost that in more than 60% in the agricultural zone. Gift also in the economy of the region, the irrigated culture of hortalias considered of indiscriminate use, represents great ambient conflict regarding the handling of the ground, in view of the nature of the water-bearing system and the possibility of> fast infiltration of defensives used in the cultures to the consequent contamination of the fretico sheet.

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