Agriculture Country

In 1931 it had to travel to Europe, specifically to Germany and Italy. He joined the Institute of tropical diseases in Hamburg and in Rome he ventured in the experimental station for the fight against malaria, he performed fieldwork in the Pontine region and in Sardinia. Gottberg, one of his biographers, picks up this episode in the life of Gabaldon as well: notes from that course were published in volume 39, 1932, la Gaceta Medica de Caracas. They are there as a testimony of the scientific rigor and dedication to study of this Venezuelan of 22 years whose obsession is to free Venezuela from the scourge of malaria, know more that you can about the fight against malaria and apply these systems in its decimated Earth (1987, 34). When he returns to the country in 1932 it is no longer in the laboratory of bacteriology and Parasitology his friend and protector, Dr. Enrique Tejera, who had renounced his post by disagreements with the Ministry of health and Agriculture and breeding. Decides to Gabaldon dealing with the charge of doctor of health of the State Apure where a medical him the Governor responsible Dr. Francisco J.

Parra then interceded to facilitate such appointment. In the apureno environment, specifically in San Fernando, he realized that not everything learned abroad with respect to malaria was applicable to the tropical environment by differences in weather conditions. Foreign schemes could not be fully adapted to the country; It had to reinvent methods, use the proper time of the year, antimalarial engineering works were not feasible by the economic cost, the extension and the topographic characteristics of the Venezuelan llanos and the torrencialidad of rain made it impossible to focus on actions with known insecticides to attack the breeding sites of mosquitoes. Berti says: the area warm it was one. The tropical zone was another. Beyond malaria was soft, produced by the Plasmodium Vivax (benign tertiary fever).

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