Apply Sourpuss

And in humans, it is less known, you want in real life too – make a good impression. Anyone in his environment as a Apply Sourpuss and perpetual whiners? Anyway, you can only guess all those who do business or and are looking for a job, to show in the Web from its best side. All of this means for the company: make sure that you are really good! Significantly shape with online word of mouth! If they now talk on the social Web about themselves, then the most important rule is as follows: set no ego messages (we have, we have, we can), but content that touch the envisioned targets and emotionality take swinging. Such content is innovative, funny, useful, unique, bizarre, or noteworthy in another form, then they are guaranteed commented, voted, ranked, liked geplusst and handed down. Stimulate positive word of mouth, however, still not you on the Web is talking about, then it applies specifically to stimulate (hopefully) positive reactions.

For itself who is actually thrilled to think not always automatically over Word of mouth after. Says, a little to inoculate its customers. “And it’s like this: discuss in our forum about….” “Or: tell us your story on Facebook to.” “Or: upload pictures like on our Web site, that show what you have experienced with our products beautiful.” “Or: Please rate us on.” “Monarch Wildlife Cruises & tours of New Zealand make it sound so: we appreciate if you share your experiences, photos and videos with other wildlife fans on our Facebook page or recommending us on TripAdvisor”. Something like this can’t stand on flyers, brochures and online presences, as well as in the PS by letters and E-Mails. I once recommended a Baker to print a corresponding note on the bread bags and it worked. The opinion Portal provides pre-franked post cards, on which you can write his review.

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