Brazilian Association

The word of order was the social transformation (2010, p.30) This crisis gave to origin the associations as the Venezuelan Association of Social Psychology (Avepso) and the Brazilian Association of Social Psychology (Abrapso). It is opportune to stand out mainly that the crisis of social psychology already came happening in the Europe since the decade of 60, in France, second Lane (1989, p.11) In France, the psicanaltica tradition is retaken with all vehemence after the movement of 68. , and under its optics an American north is made critical to social psychology as an ideological, reproductive science of the interests of the ruling class, and product of specific historical conditions, what it invalidates the transposition such and which of this knowledge in other countries, in other description-social conditions. This movement also has its repercussions in England, where Israel and Tjfell analyzes the critical one under the epistemolgico point of view with the different ones estimated that they base the scientific knowledge? she is the critical one to the positivismo, that on behalf of the objetividade loses the human being. Coming back to the specific case of Latin America, the scholars of social psychology, had trod new ways searching a social psychology that took care of to the Latin American reality.

Martim Bar, with its text, the Paper of the Psychologist, invites the psychologists to the fight for release of the peoples, representing a new vision of social psychology for Latin America. In Brazil, in the search of these ways, an important figure for the constitution appears extremely of a social psychology that answered to the Brazilian necessities: Slvia Lane, a teacher of philosophy of the Pontifical University Catholic of So Paulo (PUC) that it changed the routes of social psychology. In its work in the University, Slvia primou for the transforming militancy (SAWAIA, 2006): The contact with pupils always was the great passion of Lane.

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