Brazilian Economic Policy

The Neoliberalismo in Brazil appeared more explicit in the Collor government in 1990, using itself of a new roupagem of liberalism. The main neoliberal characteristics of this government had been: the economic plan of combat to the inflation, extinguishing public agencies, firing and disponibilizando federal public officers, the privatization of innumerable public companies and commercial opening, stimulating to the importations for the reduction of the customs tariffs, beyond the reduction of the public expenses and the incentive to the market economy. Denounced for the press for crime of corruption, and with the opening of the process of impeachment, Collor renounced its mandate, assuming its place Frank the Itamar vice-president. With the collateral effect of the free importation, the Brazilian industry if became little competitive, what it implied in the reduction in the sales for the domestic market and external, beyond provoking fall in the production, job and serious economic problems.

In this government the neoliberal ideologies had given support for the overcoming of the decurrent economic problems of the inflationary scale. Itamar Franco and Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC), then nominated Secretary of the Treasury, had placed in march a reform in the Brazilian State, that prioritized economic stabilization (Real Plan), cut in the public expenses and intensification of the process of privatizations. Later, FHC already as president of the republic, elect in the first turn, of the continuity to the process of the privatizations, becoming still more visible its neoliberal characteristic to govern. Ahead of a so controversial subject, we will look for to show the positive and negative aspects of this process, beyond the implications for the market and the society. 2. The neoliberal supremacy the neoliberal government of Fernando Collor de Mello arrived at the power, in Brazil, for the popular vote (direct election) in 1989. It is certain that in the election the power of the money and the media was very important.

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