
You’re needed here! -You are gebraucht job & internship fair Dresden, 09.11.2010 – here! SEveRAL this MOTto the job & internship fair of kariera CC startete on the 08.11.2010. AlreAdy for the 3rd time, the MESse in the techNICAL UNIverSItat Dresden offneTe Ihre pforten and UNTERStutzte by. From 10:30 to 17:00 ABSolVENten and Studierende aller trade richTunGen got the POSSIbility to informieren uBER regional nachGEFragte beruFe and quLifiKTIONEN and to tie KonTakte to EUropean companies. It was also much dRuBER gesagt, that fundierte KenntNISse uBER LeBens – and work sbeDingUNGen in each case other country Chancery SprachkenntNISSen are a wichtige voraussetZung for the VOCATIONAL erfolg. For this reason, to keep a PrakTIKum in the triangle for good investierte time. This GrenzuBERSchreitende mesSE has kioto MNAC career opportunities offer in SachSen oder in the adjacent to reGIONEN Polens and TscheChiens. Workshops were geboten before beGinNing the MESSE for a uberzeuGenden first contact on technical and career fairs, self-marketing and application training for inGEnieure. VieLe, Studierende and ABSolVENten use IHRE ChanCE for anReGende and aufschlussreiche GesprChe on the kariera m.

The programme of framework the kariera m: – opening of the kariera m and greeting your visitors – short workshop in English – tips for a career in Poland and the Czech Republic – short performances of all present company – foreign languages in professional communication – round of talks with representatives of the Saxon cultural tourism – panel discussion on opportunities and prospects for university graduates with representatives of the Saxon middle class – application solution checks many booths and a job wall after another adorned the aisles of the Auditorium Centre of the Technical University. The kariera m and cooperate. We want to inspire the best specialists and managers for our region and provide the people at the Center. The kariera m for the participants and everyone ended up with this thought, and an interesting panel discussion on the opportunities and prospects for graduates Company successful..

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