Czech Language

Czech belongs to a group of West Slavic languages, which means that native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages to learn it will be much easier. But on the other hand, many words are so similar that there is a doubt – and whether what I am about to say? In English, for example, the words just memorized the facts and make it impossible to doubt, and caution is needed in the Czech Republic. Words, the turncoats are abound. For example, zapomenat (Zapomenat) – remember, nekdo (nekdo) – Someone, cerstva (stale) – Fresh and other tricky . In order not to be trapped in moving to the Czech Republic, I recommend starting to learn the language even at home. Ways to learn any foreign language – set. That's just basic, which I check for yourself: training, tutoring, independent study, communication with native speakers. But we should remember that without a certain percentage of the motivation to learn the language very difficult, even if you move to live abroad, and every day will be in the locale.

Czech language courses So, to start the course, I signed up for courses of Czech language. The group had 5 people, and sessions were held twice a week for 1.5 hours. Engage with the teacher is certainly useful, especially at the beginning of language learning. But as every student wants to try his hand and express themselves in class, it turns out that the time to work through the subtleties of language is not always enough.

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