Desiree Sophie

Although there is also the possibility to apply for master BAfoG, but there only if 80 percent of the class the social Assistant education have made. 140 euros per month free. A small ray of hope, because somehow you must pay school fees also. Although there is the possibility on a scholarship from the neighbouring town, but then it’s duty to work after training for at least three years in the community. And so in the long run to plan what I imagine with 18 years is somehow not just.

It is all the more incomprehensible to me to see that high school graduates or people with other training training can go directly into the educators. The entire expertise, what I learned at me in the last two years with much effort but then lack. If I still hear that should make a study in a few years to the educator, how to proceed with our education sll wonder with me again. What is the best high school, if I’m at all otherwise qualified for this job? This is nothing else with many professions, but especially when it comes to the most important beings, namely infants, that sounds to me Understanding on. Similarly, I see this with the latest retraining of our Federal Labour Minister Ursula von der Leyen. So to now but actually SCHLECKER the former in two months to the educator staff be trained. Of course is it important that these women find a new job, but how can it be, that I must qualify five years and other people get behind kicked the qualification without question? So something makes me sad and angry at the same, because somehow I feel simply stamped it and not once wondering why I actually learn this profession! Desiree Sophie

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