Developing Self-Esteem

When you are decided to make changes in your life, one of the first obstacles with which you can encontrarte is the one of sentirte uncertain. The insecurity emotion will appear in major or minor measured following the change who you are looking for but always appears. Today I want presentarte the allied major that you will have for enfrentarte with this blocking feeling that does not let to you advance. Which is this great ally? I talk about YOUR SELF-ESTEEM. From an ontological glance we can say that the self-esteem is a mood conformed by the thoughts that you have in your mind on your own value like being human. We can also say that the self-esteem is a mental perception that you have constantly on same you who influence directly and in your emotional state that is the one that abre or closes the doors to new possibilities. Why I say this? All idea, thought or belief that you have on same you will directly be affecting your emotions that are those predisposes that you to the action to obtain results.

I put an example to you so that you understand to me better of what I speak. If a person constantly it thinks and one says to itself things as I do not serve for this . I am not able . I will not be able to obtain it, I know to it . I do not have the knowledge . I did Never it, I cannot .

I am not good in this . Who is going to me to watch to whom I am going to him to interest if I am thus ? . How it seems to you that it will be being his self-esteem? In this case and as it is said commonly, that person it will have low self-esteem.

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