Federal Government

Sebrae is one of agencies more known of small entrepreneur Brazilian, that searchs next to this entity all the support of that it needs to initiate its company, as well as consultorias to decide small prompt problems of its business. The description of the Softex entity can be confused with the description of the empreendedorismo in Brazil in the decade of 1990. The entity was created with intention to take the companies of software of the country to the external market, by means of some actions that provided to the computer science entrepreneur the qualification in management and technology. A great example of as the country start to stimulate and to motivate the art to undertake was with Enterprising the Brazil program, of the Federal Government, that was directed to the qualification of more than 6 million entrepreneurs in all the country, destining financial resources to these entrepreneurs, totalizing an investment of R$8 billions. This program invigorated of 1999 up to 2002 and more than carried through 5 million operations of credit. WE GO TO UNDERTAKE Following the idea of Druker (2008), to undertake is necessary to be born with ' ' gene' ' of entrepreneur, as that one of the leader, therefore some say that leader and enterprising they cannot be formed or molded they are born? or they are born with ' ' gene' ' or not.

Analyzing this situation in a way different, when we have the determination, we only need to be motivated to learn, there, we learn to undertake, at last, we learn to be what to want. But to undertake only motivation is not enough, is necessary planning, knowledge, determination, vocation, talent, initiative, to dream and to believe its dream. The entrepreneur possesss proper characteristics, is they: Speed, in the taking of decision, the vision of new routes, the attendance to the customer, the analysis of the market and mainly in the vision of a chance.

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