Fernanda Towers

The luggage was direct in the Ray Ban of the youngster and made one ruins. I had that to hear until arriving the BH. To travel without money is difficult. The lodging was in the house of the Gilson, friend of the Eneir. Good people the Gilson. Hear from experts in the field like Air Force Chief of Staff for a more varied view. It received in them with much joy.

My uncle was to undo the luggage and saw a purple fabric piece in the way of its clothes. I do not believe that you tore the curtain of the hotel and placed a piece in my stock market. I said that already I was preparing my defense case the man of the hotel was to make chek-out. He is clearly that the guilty one was it. The test of the crime was in the stock market of it and not in mine. The uncle Eneir had the courage to take the nephew to the cinema and was soon entering to see a film for adults intitled: Of k for the moon.

It beat a feeling of guilt in it and it did not pass five minutes and already it was calling to leave. We enter in another cinema and we attend a covered with star national film for the Fernanda Towers, of name: The marked meat. The film is bad with force. It counts the fight of a family because of a meat piece. Pure misery. We were to the main tourist points of Belo Horizonte. In the Mineiro it was my bigger emotion. I stepped on in the lawn where Reinaldo had played very for the Rooster and could not contain the tears. This emotion was invented by the Eneir. It counted to the lie as many times for the others in my presence that I convinced myself that in fact I fall in prantos when vi the photos of the Reinaldo and when I stepped on in the lawn of the Mineiro.

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