
But it lacked courage to it. Danone: the source for more info. When Horcio if approached, Luana did not obtain to say the speech that had assayed some times in the front of the mirror of the bathroom. The semester arrived at the end and Luana had not talked with Horcio on the love that felt. In the last day of monitoria, Luana decided to come close itself to it in an indirect way. In a paper piece, it wrote: ' ' Horcio, I do not obtain more to inside suffocate of me the love that I feel for you. Please, it binds to me it writes or me. Luana.' ' wrote down the number of its cellular telephone and email.

It inside placed the paper of an envelope and left it in windscreen of the car of Horcio. It passed the overwhelming following day, waiting that the telephone touched and it could hear the voice of Horcio inviting it to leave, declaring itself for it But Horcio did not bind. In all the chances that had, verified its email, but some of Horcio did not have message. The wire kept its imprisoned cellular telephone to the waist per days, although to find aesthetic horrible, but it could not lose a linking at least. It did not lose. But none of them age of Horcio.

The days passed slowly during the pertaining to school vacations and Luana lived overwhelming, always to the wait of some event that changed its life. Thus six overwhelming months had been transferred. In the college, Horcio at least looked at for it. For times, it dissimulated that it did not know it. Luana felt a squeeze in the chest, an agony all the times that Horcio saw. One day, when it entered in one would pizzaria, saw Horcio seated in one of the tables with its namorada. Saw it, but at least he waved or he complimented. It turned the face, it hugged and it kissed the namorada one. was in way to this eddy of souvenirs that Luana went up to the altar, dressed of fianc. It was a sad night. It rained copiosamente of the side of it are of the church. Its fianc smiled when seeing it entering of arm given with its father. When seeing this smile, Luana did not obtain to contain the tears. It felt remorsos. It did not have courage to say who it was not worthy of its love. He did not have courage to count to it that he loved a man who disdains it. He did not have courage to say to it that he had much consideration for it e, therefore, would not deceive it more, that was better to finish. But it was coward during all this time. He was coward when allowing that its parents organized a pretty ceremony of marriage. now, in that altar, before God and the community, all the guests, Luana was coward when promising to make happy Eduardo. It wise person very well that she would not be capable of this, being it proper unfortunate person.

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