Integrativa Revision

Removed figure of the work Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvo cm, 2008 3. FINAL CONSIDERAES ‘ ‘ The initial intention of this method of research is to get a deep agreement of one determined phenomenon being based on previous studies. It is necessary to follow standards of metodolgico severity, clarity in the presentation of the results, form that the reader obtains to identify the real characteristics of the enclosed studies in reviso.’ ‘ (MENDES, SILVEIRA, GALVO, 2008). The synthesis of the knowledge, of the enclosed studies in the revision, reduces uncertainties on practical recommendations, allow necessary generalizations on the phenomenon from the limited available information and facilitate the taking of decisions with regard to the interventions that could result in well-taken care of the most effective one and of better cost/benefit. We understand for the characterization of publications of some scientific articles and diverse subjects, the importance of the Integrativa Revision of which in it provides a synthesis to them of the knowledge produced and the quality of the evidence on a specific subject and presents the stages of definition of a subject, formularization of a problem, objective elaboration (s); collections of the data? establishment of criterion of subjects, choices of describers, elaboration of instruments of collections of data; evaluation of data, localization of the sources, application of the instruments of collections of data in the articles that had taken care of to the criteria of the Integrativa Revision helping in the analysis and interpretation of data, reduction, visualization, comparison and verification of the data and synthesis of the results. ‘ ‘ Amongst the revision methods, the integrativa revision is amplest, being an advantage, therefore it allows the simultaneous inclusion of experimental and almost-experimental research providing a more complete understanding of the interest subject.

This method also allows to the combination of data of theoretical literature and emprica’ ‘ (MENDES, SILVEIRA, GALVO, 2008). In such a way, the copyholder can elaborate a integrativa revision with different purposes, that is, it can be directed for the definition of concepts, the revision of theories or the metodolgica analysis of the enclosed studies of a particular topic. Learn more at this site: Helen Fry. ‘ ‘ The integrativa revision of literature consists of the construction of an ample analysis of literature, contributing for quarrels on methods and results of research, as well as reflections on the accomplishment of futures estudos.’ ‘ (MENDES, SILVEIRA, GALVO, 2008). s://’>Ben Silbermann!). Although the inclusion of multiple studies with different delineations of research can complicate the analysis, a bigger variety in the sampling process has the potential to increase the depth and abrangncia of the conclusions of the revision. ‘ ‘ The wealth of the sampling process also can contribute for a comprehensive picture of the topic of interesse.

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