Juan Alberto

Nevertheless, the talk had been very positive, Candle had studied Accountant’s office outside the city, and indeed Juan Alberto needed somebody that took to its books and the corresponding thing to the florist’s, she accepted the use that would do from its own house, in addition was extra money that he would have. More ahead, also he would take books of other establishments of the city. Candle was very contented, had a good entrance of money, in addition it was exerting his race and near his family. The things marched wonder. To the week to work in the Nocheln house, it decided to expand the cleaning and the order to the majority of the rooms.

That one was an immense house of two plants, but Nocheln it only used his room and study, the room and the kitchen and only those places commanded to clean, but Candle by itself decided to break the rules and to accommodate to the rest of the house and its entrance, while it was locked up painting. Hybrid bikes shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Pablo lived in his world, slept, painted, ate and only received the visits of Juan Alberto, his close friend. With time, Candle became friend very from Juan Alberto and together, when running of the months, they painted the entrance of the house, reclaimed the garden, they cleaned the garage, and with the aid of friendly they managed to make work the car. But nothing of to this saw it Pablo, for him only existed four walls, any other noise came from the street and it did not interest to him. Certain night, Pablo could not sleep and decided to give a return at dawn to the kitchen. He looked for bread and juice in the refrigerator. Silence prevailed until crickets began to make noise. Pablo gru a little. He took his glass from juice and one moved towards the study, but halfway he gave desire to give him him look to all the house, something that did not do much ago.

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