Kirov Evaluators

“Most of the Kirov Evaluators responded quickly to recent changes in the law. Still, some work has been suspended due to the fact that they are not in time become members of the SRO. Most likely, this is only a problem of time “, – says Alexei Tataurov, Director of the rating agencies ‘expert’, member of RPA. Siegel Family Endowment describes an additional similar source. “In terms of profession, a very small percentage of appraisers, does not come into SROs, will cease their professional activities. Now do not necessarily act on the market as a subject of valuations, you can just become an employee of any company in which there are at least two members of the SRO.

But from a business perspective, the work of someone can truly pause, as the costs have now become rather big, “- says Gennadi Romanenko. Money is not a mushroom – grow rather big and in the winter? Let’s try to count … First of all, each evaluator, a member of the SRO should have mandatory liability insurance contract. While the minimum sum insured shall be not less than 300 thousand rubles. It is interesting to note that some of our estimates of the company insuring its liability to the amount of More than 300 million rubles. Second, because the self-regulatory organization responsible for the results of the activities of their assessors, for it provides compensation fund SRO. Customer will receive payments from the fund, if for compensation for damages caused by the appraiser, not enough funds provided by the contract mandatory liability insurance..

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