Kosmos World

To learn to Being will allow me to know my true nature, to reach my emotional well-being, to release fastenings and to reach the total spiritual accomplishment, therefore, to be happy. " Wisdom, love and compassion, are the three central components of all spiritual practice, is what we called the triple way of the being take, us to our spiritual home, that is in our own heart. The educative practice must be an expression of the triple sendero". Galician Dr. Ramon Nava. In education holista two concepts of integrity are used, first like conception of the totality of the Kosmos that allows to the formation of totalities/parts that allow the evolution; and on the other hand, like concept computer of the educative subjectivity, the world of the sense and the meaning, the culture and the mentalities; one talks about the life world, of the values, ideals and motivations.

The integral vision of the education us it leads to the learning of the Being through educative integrity, where integrity is the profit of the unit through the diversity; the true educative improvement depends on the integration level of the education and not on the educative quality. The educative quality is a concept exported from the world of the industry, the factories and the linear mechanical processes of production of objects, in fact if it makes reference to a continuous improvement but only of the processes of industrial production, administrative handling, instrumental rationality, control, objective measurements, mercantile organization, finances, accounting, that is to say, is a concept computer of the world of the systemic thing. This way the process of human development goes of the differentiation to integration and there to the importance. If we did not differentiate suitably we fall in the fusion (everything is the same) or the fragmentation (everything is contradictory) for that reason it is very important to differentiate between quality and educative integrity, not to confuse them because takes us reduccionismo to the present.

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