Law Of The Attraction Successes And Failures

Successes and failures, the face of the same coin. Those who are already attuned to the law of attraction, know that lean more on the success or failure depends on the mentality or positive thoughts that take root in our minds. But this is only part of the truth. Since enabling to fully operate this law we must apply that concept always moving, always moving forward. What do I mean by this? That God gave us the tool to run the domain of that Act; but for this to occur, apart from having that tool (the thoughts and positive wishes), must know to use it; because Dios want the best for each of us, but as minimum also requires us to work a bit on it, otherwise would have created us all such as worms and larvae. What is expressed in the previous paragraph to say that, using this tool involves always have a goal ahead that requires us to move forward continuously. I.e., with having a positive desire is not enough, in addition to that desire must be print you that movement that implies always be behind that goal that we imposed.

Then returning to the concept of success and failure, what is the difference by which a person stays anchored on one side or another? Since it is not neither the good nor the bad luck; the difference lies in the attitude with which we face situations that we touch cope with daily. Every day we throw the currency up. When it falls we trap it by hand and see that we had to face. Now let’s see how the pessimist and the optimist faced the same situation, when the currency shows us the face of failure. Those who are naturally pessimistic will say: I can not, I have come to the end of the road. While optimists contrary be expressed: this failure is only the first step that will take me to my most successful.

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