Max Pacheco

2. Most attributed to law, such that set of rules, the function of REGULAR LAS relations of the conduct human, of human behavior. 3. The most believe that the end is the man allow his life in society, good common, justice, etc. 4 – most is aware of COERCIBLE character of standards that comprise it. Max Pacheco, in the work that we’ve been quoting, has summed up thus the characteristic features of the law: A – law is a necessary way of social life, as well as social life is an essential form of human existence. Ubi homo, societas ibi; Ubi societas, ibi ius; ERGO ubi homo, ibi ius. As social reality, the right has no existence in the individual life.

It is true that social life is rooted in personal life, but the law does not exist as such in personal life. That law is a form of social life has an ontological significance, which is human activity unfolds in the life of relationship necessarily in legal form. The law is the same form of society, which is in turn one of the forms of human life. B society is not reduced to a conglomerate fortuitous subjects, but an order of cooperation and coexistence and one Community of purpose among people. Precisely, this is coexistence, on the understanding that each individual has dignity and rights of others. The law seeks to make society as a community specific; and therefore constitutes an order of relations of social life. C so that the right is or exists as such, this is that constitutes the social way of life of a community, the order of relations must be the expression of an ideal of Justice ethics; because social forms of life contrary to justice, or the margin of an experience of Justice which, by its intensity, to become a social force cannot exist.

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