MENTAL RETARDATION AND DIFFICULTIES OF LEARNING IN THE FAMILIAR CONTEXT AND PERTAINING TO SCHOOL SUMMARY The mental retardation is the significant functioning below of the average that occurs next to a deficiency in adaptativo accompaniment, being revealed during the period of development of the child, and also it can be defined as a condition where it will have interruption in the development, harming the global level of intelligence, aptitudes of learning, speaks, material and social abilities. The cause of the mental retardation can occur of origin very varied, some known cases is of origin, as example the genetic error, illnesses caused in the gestation, traumatic accidents in the skull hindering the sanguineous circulation for the brain, poisoning, meningite, etc. The mental retardation does not have treatment, the solution is to give to special subsidies to this person, as methods for convivncia next possible to the reality of environment where it lives. Words keys: Mental retardation, the social difficulties of learning, family and ways. Mental Abstract retardation is significantly below average functioning that occurs with deficiency in adaptive tracking, expressed during the development of the child, and can also be defined a condition where there is an interruption in development, affecting the overall level of intelligence, learning skills, speech, social physical and skills. The you cause of mental retardation can occur in very diverse origin, adds you marry ploughs known you rise an example the error genetic diseases in pregnancy, traumatic injuries you the skull preventing blood flow you the brain, poisoning, meningitis, etc. Mental retardation has in treatment, the solution is you give you subsidize this person, according you the special methods will be living to closer you the real environment in which they live. Words keys: Mental retardation (MR), difficulties of learning, family and means social. INTRODUCTION the mental retardation is the inferior intellectual capacity to the normal one that it is present since the birth or that if manifest in the first years of infancy.

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