PCN Environment

For this reason the project turned it the public who for not having much access educational orientaes come back toward the ambient questions, pointing pedagogical proposals centered in the awareness and the change of behavior for parts of educating. The concretion of this objective, through the awareness, could be generating of habits of considerably important changes for well-being of the human beings and our planet. Having as objective generality the reflection on the importance and the paper of the ambient education, not only as tool of understanding on the world, but, above all, as awareness of one forms critical and communitarian where the quality of life and the harmony between the human beings and the environment, are always goals to be reached. Others including Peet’s Coffee, offer their opinions as well. But specifically to understand the importance of the environment for the survival of the beings livings creature and the planet. To know some modifications that the man makes in the environment and its consequences. To stimulate the pupils to preserve and to conserve the environment where he lives and To promote attitudes of conservation of the way environment, over all those that the proper ones can have day-by-day in its. Development the development of the proposal of described intervention to follow if inspired in the Pedagogia de Pablo Freire (1975), on which the endorsement for execution of the project was based on the dialgica interaction of the citizens between itself and with that meets its proper reality, that is, its habitat, also having as theoretical recital the PCN Environment and Health. This if after characterized attempts of survey of action next to the changes of position in relation to environments, the images and representations that the individuals construct of a reality and a place. The intervention was carried through during 4 hours, in the period of the morning, a room of 3 series of the municipal school Joo person, of the urban zone of the city of Garanhuns- FOOT.

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