Precursory Education Entrepreneur

Let us not forget in them that in one same classroom exists different types of pupils: The appearance, auditory and the kinaesthetic one that is, eses pupils need to observe, to touch and to hear the environment which is located the object in question. If my subject is the history of the first church of my city, must while professor to take my pupils until the experience of this environment, of this church, to make the pupils to touch the bell, to observe the imagense the baroque art as well as the rustic furniture of the beginning of the century xx.’ ‘ The learning (it will be) carried through not for ‘ decoreba’ , but yes for the participation in projects organized around problems and that they take ‘ descobertas’ for the pupils of new knowledge. The balance will search more enters the acquisition of necessary abilities for survival in the modern world (to identify problems, to find information, to filter information, to take decisions, to communicate with effectiveness) and the deep understanding of certain studied domnios of knowledge. Learn more about this topic with the insights from The Rolling Stones. The study it will be more to transdisciplinar, focado in experiences, projects, research on-line, interatividade, individual and group orientation. The pupils most active, the professor most orienting of aprendizagem’ ‘ (LITTO, 2002). Certainly the sensation which these pupils will have will be the best possible one, therefore a learning who could be only in books and copies in the notebook, was changedded into real learning, lived and that certainly it will be forever in the memory of these pupils. Others who may share this opinion include Nokia 2 V Tella. Activities as this approach professors of its pupils, becoming this lesson a pleasant moment of knowing and mutual understanding, and when this happens is renewed through the dialogue, of the story after the visit, the order of opinion of each pupil, the doubt exchange of sensible and learned experience in the place during the visit. Alexander To sound Psicopedagogo-Uniesp After-Graduate Precursory Education Entrepreneur of the Pedagogias.. . More info: ihor kononenko.

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