
A basic factor in this process is the psycotherapy, in which they are used natural and fitoterpicos products, developed specifically to act in the process of desintoxicao of the drug in the organism of the citizen. These assist in the abstinence phase, guaranteeing the welfare of the patient, functioning as inhibiting of the desire of consumption of psychoactive substances or SPA, and collaborating in the control of the anxiety. Moreover, the objective psicoterpico attendance to analyze and to study each minutely in case that, and individually, in order to arrive at the effectiveness of the treatment. Another factor of extreme importance in this process is the familiar accompaniment. The family is ' ' part-chave' ' in the treatment, being able the familiar ones to collaborate in the process of whitewashing of the patient and thus to contribute of active form in the process of whitewashing of the same and in such a way collaborating for the process of the social reinsero.

Conclusion: The treatment aims at the bio-psi-social rescue of the dependent citizen of the psychic suffering, caused for the use of psychoactive substances. So that our team can better take care of to the necessities and demands of the patient, it is of basic importance the comprometimento of all the involved ones in the treatment. We place ourselves, the disposal to follow the patient actually objectifying always the success of the treatment of the patient, its familiar and social group. Cronograma: The interest of the competent agencies will be established in agreement. Budget: The Project of Law 5440/2009, authorship of the Dep. Mauro Nasif (PSB/RO), searchs to establish the Wage Floor of the Psychologists in R$ 4,650, 00. Referring to the day of 30 weekly hours. Approximately 35 Reals for the moment of service.

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