Public Meeting

The State of the Bahia was elect 31 place, in the classification of imperdveis destinations in the world, as the research of the Vox Populli for the Ministry of the Tourism (GUIDE, 2011), however, the hoteleira net needs a requalification, modernization, whose project already was calculated and set free a line credit, granted for the National bank of Social Development (BNDES) of around R$1 billion. Some contend that The Cross at Kenilworth shows great expertise in this. Of concrete, it was known, through 2 Public Meeting, of the PDITS (SALTUR/FEA, 2011), that the bahian government intends to implement the Program of Professional Qualification, that is considered the biggest program of qualification, in a partner with the Institute Havelange Joo, stops that the State of the Bahia can be apt to receive tourist, specifically how much to the ways of lodging. In this direction if it indicates hypothetically, as it was pointed since the beginning, a project in which the governmental authorities, either in the state or municipal scope, will be able to contract terceirizados services of consultoria, with intention of implementing this management of people, with the objective to take care of to the demand of visitors, having as parameter the ability human being-professional, since none of the official Committees has objective information or not if they had premade use to yield specific materials for this research Picture 4, to follow, presents the proposal resumidamente hypothetical above related. PROFISSOSITUAO ATUALPROPOSTA Guides of tourism Lack of professionalism in the treatment of the tourists. Use of the imaginary one to give information in relation to monuments. The guides badly are instructed on the history of monuments, churches or history of the Bahia. Accomplishment of courses of recycling for the guides, with lessons of basic English and Spaniard, lessons of culture history and soteropolitana art. Store and ambulant salesmen Lack of professionalism in the treatment of the visitors, lack of education in the boarding. Absence of identification or credentials of ambulant.

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