Rasp System

Enque Melo Calvin Alves, spoke on the free ideas of soft and of its legalities, it mensurou on the guarantees of use and the legal aspects. Pablo Rasp made its speech on the project joy, subject that culture directed to the use of the audio appearance, and the dircurso involves on the piracy. If you would like to know more about Kodak, then click here. It commented that 1902 the 1903 airplanes with first attempts of wide projects, were cogitated on it pass through aerial the right of properties and of to charge roileres. In that chance the Specter Electric Radio and the measure of 80 the 100 mirantes, devices to function devices for specters, to put were limited in the communication, with this the power to raise in the distance and as he would be used and who could use the system. Using to advantage of the confusion Armistrong Luiz it patented transmitters FM, in 1954 Aposganas if it played of the window for not obtaining to win the bureaucracy and the RCA assumed the patent of the FM. Today the technology with all its system walks for crime, Xerox of books, Pen drive of music, piracy of films, copies of the article Internet and publications to produce resources, these processes cannot be numbered by the system cocm this the DVD pirate are crime due to cinema the cities.

The people wants knowledge with the face of the region this is intellectual copyright. Tiago Novais of play Center of Rio De Janeiro said that the size of the revolution 70 years behind with the revolution of the technology brought the capacity to congeal vulos and possibilities of anonymous women to make semem everything this on account of the technology this is after-human being, copyrights a distant fusing of the recognition of the owner of the product and the authorship. Patrimonial right donating for the world ' ' matre linear' ' they cross without men through the technology, all work developed for soft free being only collective produces a common good the service of the world, to put all this apparatus is it are of the feminine reach, few women in the market of software technology free.

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