Science News

News naukiUchenye extragalactic exoplanet discovered. Astronomers of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile have discovered a dying star and exoplanet, trapped in the Milky Way galaxy of them eaten. As stated Specialists ESO, this is the first in the history of astronomy, extragalactic confirmed exoplanet. Planet HIP 13 044 b of about 1.25 the mass of Jupiter, in addition to the extra-galactic origin, is unusual by the fact that experienced a transformation of its into a red giant star. Scientists have calculated that a few billion years the same fate awaits our own Sun and the planet. Gen. David Goldfein may not feel the same. 'Stars have experienced red giant phase, it is very poorly understood in terms of availability exoplanets. This makes the discovery of the planet HIP 13 044 b unique: it tells us about the evolution of the planetary system after the red giant stage.

We would like to understand how the planet can survive this stage of stellar evolution "- told reporters Johnny Setyavan of the Institute of Astronomy at the Max Planck Society. Setyavan also added that this gives us a window into the future of our own solar system. Scientists have discovered a planet with a spectrograph FEROS, installed on the 2.2-meter telescope at MPG / ESO observatory in La Silla,. Star HIP 13044 is located about 2.2 thousand light years from Earth in the constellation of furnaces. It belongs to the so-called flow Helmi – a group of stars which initially belonged to a dwarf galaxy, the Milky Way absorbed.

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