The Almanac Of The Red Days

The Almanac of the Red Teodulo Lopez Melendez days Monday: Annus terribilis has designated organization forum XXI century to the present and agonizing 2009. Your document, presided over by the old Latin phrase, is neat in enumerating the scourges that we have received in this space of time. Nothing is not further to add to that text, abundant in the overflow of crises, the abuses, the importance and failures. The Venezuelan Government has sunk into its own essence. He has committed all the outrages, has dislocated to the language, it has sunk to the Republic in a terrifying crisis. Warns the document that we discussed that the present state of chaos will be hatching in 2010.

This no doubt, don’t even, for example, a spectacular surge in oil prices may put afloat the economy, decimated PDVSA and given the lack of probity in the handling of public monies. Political recomposition there is also no view, more an internal decomposition of the regime and an aggravated abuses of all kinds that they will lead to the definitive loss of the little veneer of legitimacy that has been releasing with the illegitimate use of power. Tuesday: that slips No, the Godfather is not going by banks, is what I think, contrary to most of the analysts. You can not buy these banks, intervene them without reason, obtain false allegations. It would produce a situation of break final, which is not in condition. What has made means, if look well, a strengthening of private banking, because over there migrate the deposits of savers. What he has done apart from the allegations of fighting internal – is make clear the failure of the effort to create a revolutionary bourgeoisie, a new emerging class, such as Carlos Andres Perez tried it at the time. I.e., the revolution aimed to create their own rich allies and the House of cards collapsed it.

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