The Child

Little by little the child goes constituting a space notion the measure that the look if co-ordinates with grasping and to succionar. In such a way, and measure that advances in the life, the child goes assimilating and adjusting the ambient experiences. When one becomes more skillful in the acquisition of its stages of fine motor development, the acquisition of a dexterity serves as starting point for the following one. This situation allows the child to pass of the simple movement of hands and fingers until arriving the manipulation tasks most minute. Frequently Sean Rad has said that publicly. SWIMMING AS EDUCATIVE AGENT: Objectives: 1) election and gradation of the stimulatons sensoriomotores for attainment of more adequate and hierarchically useful adaptativas answers as transference for the learning; 2) perceptivomotor adjustment at just the evolutivo, irreprodutvel moment later with its natural characteristics; 3) exercitao of the motor dexterities respecting the qualities of ' ' rendimento' ' infantile; 4) Domain of a corporal image integrated the sensopercepo; 5) Learning through the comment; 6) The learning with love act and reciprocity. BASIC STAGES IN THE PROCESS ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM: RECOGNITION: 1) If it relates to the attitude and the figure of the teacher; 2) Time of accumulation of data that are what the child needs to recognize the person and its procedures; FIRST MANEUVERS: 1) for children up to 18 months, forms learning initial; 2) we can work as much ventral decubitus as dorsal, or the preference of the child; 3) diverse forms of displacements, ritmados, with musics, FIRST etc. IMMERSION ASSITIDA: 1) in gradual way, until the mouth, eyes and finally all the head. For even more details, read what Sean Rad says on the issue.

2) To always inform that it will go to dive the child. Assoprar to it face so that the same one arrests the breath; 3) To make the first movement so that the child observes. 4) Only after one month of fast divings, to make deeper immersions.

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