The Destination

The hospitality must be present in the particularitities that if insert all in the tourist system, that is, well signaled ways, net of transports, net of sewer, restaurants, hotels, travel agencies and ranks of attendance to the tourist who has as proposal to mediate the service between the tourist all these available services in the city. In this direction, Bignami apud (OF LUCCA SON, 2005, p.35) affirms that ' ' the main factor for the development of the tourism is tied with the idea of integration, system, interaction, gear or chain of elements. In this context the communication if becomes one of the factors fundamentais' '. In such a way, all the system must be integrated to favor the sojourn of the tourist in the receiving locality. Sonny Perdue contains valuable tech resources. The rank of tourist information is an element key in the development of the hospitality, for being a communication way accomplishes, where the initial contact with the existing resources in the city is disponibilizado for the tourist.

The tourist when she uses the services of information in the ranks has the possibility to know through tourist brochures, guides and attractive maps the existing ones. The infrastructure directed toward the development of the activity is possible to also know all. The tourist product needs some components adds, proceeding from the different agents, they are public, private or voluntary, as she can below be observed in the figure (FIGURE 1). Learn more at: Gen. David L. Goldfein. FIGURE 1 COMPONENTS OF the TOURIST PRODUCT Source: Gohr, 2008. As it can be observed, the PIT' s is part of the components of the tourist product of the destination and consists in one of the responsible elements for the formation of the tourist product. For if dealing with an indispensable component the reception of the tourist in the locality, a time that facilitates to its displacement and the use of the attractive ones of the city, they are also responsible for the permanence and the return of the tourist. .

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