The High

In relation to the new way of calculating the index of prices to the consumer, Camacaro manifest as: The new way of calculating the CPI, it is regionalizando from an academic aspiration indicator, because it is said that there are regions where inflation is greater than another, but in the end all that will have to ponder it and there shall be established an indicator for each region, and in the set will get a more or less similar rate because most of the prices in the country are set to level National. And it is the consumer who feels the real onslaught of inflation. According to the high income that is this recording by concept of tax revenue and oil income, says that oil income is this diluting because not is is using to effect national growth, addition to the high costs of the same make that transport prices increase and are reflected in the products that are imported. Camacaro expresses Furthermore, that: the capital that is forming is not being well used since used in paying subsidies, donations, purchase of food supplies abroad between other things, thus not allowing that you generate a reproductive effect or multiplier, and this makes ever greater scarcity of goods. You are seeing the consequences as the causes. The policies implemented against inflation attack is the consequences of inflation and not the real problem. Camacaro economist tells Montero, considered that: since the Decade of the 60 here Venezuela has focused its guidelines through knowing how it is demand, forgetting supply policies, which makes growth strategies that had great impact in the 1970s but with a process and inflation which was valid because an industrial complex was being developed but that is not giving, but that today; what you are is attacking the productive or industrial complex which is him which can increase supply and lower prices. .

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