The Rediscovery Of The Dialogue Like Field De Coaching And Aprendizaje

The rediscovery of the dialogue like field of coaching and learning science is ingrained in conversations. The cooperation of diverse people can culminate in scientific results of extreme importance Werner Heisenberg The subtle network of the metaphor of Bohm Bohm has a very pedagogical metaphor for coaching. It considers thinking group like a flow. It represents it as if it was a continuous stream. The thoughts are like leaves floating in the waters that lick the borders.

If we gather the leaves and we experienced them as thoughts we create erroneously that they are ours because we did not hit upon to see the stream of thinking group drags that them. But with the dialogue, you can begin to see the stream that flows between the borders. You begin to participate in the reserve of common meaning, that he is able of constant development and change. Following with the Bohm metaphor it thinks that our processes normal to think are like a coarse network that picks up only the coarsest elements of the stream. However, with the dialogue a luck of sensitivities is developed that extends what normally we recognize like to think. With the dialogue we have a subtle network that he is able to pick up the meaning subtle of the flow of thinking. Bohm thinks that this sensitivity, this subtle network, is in the roots of true intelligence.

The dialogue like field of personal training and corporative learning The dialogue was honoured by Greek the classic ones and practiced by many primitive societies like the American Indians. However almost it was had lost in the present world until redescubierto is had its transcendental importance. Surely you think we practiced that it and that in certain conversations you have gotten to obtain that it has own life. Nevertheless, these experiences are not as frequent as it would agree and are, generally, plus a product of the circumstances that of a systematic strategy and a disciplined practice.

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