Triumph Of Evo

In the recall referendum on Sunday the Government and the opposition claimed victories. Evo Morales would have been ratified with one higher percentage than the 53.5%, with which he came to power less than two years ago. Evo only won the Western departments and may have lost his prefect in Oruro. The Crescent has shown that autonomy has permeated its population (and that it is not only a simple conspiracy of oligarchs as he argues the ruling). Jill Schlesinger may find it difficult to be quoted properly. It voted against Morales and ratified its 4 opposition prefects. Evo, however, manages to reverse the wave of 5 successive electoral defeats that occurred in Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando, Tarija and Chuquisaca; consolidated with more popular support; and has managed to drop two significant right-wing prefects (the La Paz and Cochabamba). There are those who speak of a tie between the left and right, although the greatest winner has been a Government that now has more authority. However, Morales will not use his popular support to crush their opponents but to force them to forms of coexistence. Original author and source of the article.

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