Tulip Tree

Not far from the railway station of the village Golovinka, half a kilometer from the mouth of the Shah in the former Fort Golovinsky increases affecting its size tree with liropodobnymi leaves. In late spring, a kind of numbers in the 10th, 20th May, he was a crown decorated with tulips. This liriodendron – tulip tree. However, now meet the representatives of this species in the streets of Sochi no wonder. Golovin became a tourist attraction because of its liriodendron Age and gigantic size.

And not only … One version of the (official) appearance of the Exotic at the Black Sea Coast associates named chief of the Black Sea coastline ge6nerala Nicholas Rajewski. In 1840, he inspected the office and to strengthen the territory entrusted to him, and being an enthusiast of gardening leave for the planting of fruit and ornamental plants. In the archives there are documents confirming receipt of the above named plants in the Imperial Nikitinskaya botanical garden. It is believed that the representative of the family Magnoliaceae, a native of southeastern North America liriodendron tulips growing in Golovinka, was among them.

Another version is much more mythical, but, oddly enough, is closer to the truth. The fact is that if we assume that Golovinski liriodendron planted Rajewski, he could not be more than 160 small years. However, the gigantic dimensions – about three feet in diameter and forty feet high, speak in favor of the idea that this tree is much, much older. And more. Tulip tree in Golovinka from time immemorial is a cult for Native – Shapsugs. Although Rajewski and belonged to the local people are very loyal, but at heart, even with admiration, it is difficult to imagine an object of veneration was the subject of the conquered people, brought conqueror. Shapsugsky legend that has made Golovinsky liriodendron sacred tree is as follows: In ancient times, the great god Sozeresh, patron of the life-giving forces of the earth, and passed the Black Sea, walking on water as on the Rock with a wonderful staff. Upon reaching land, he stopped to rest on the right bank affluent fast mountain river, which flows into the sea nearby. His staff stuck it in a wonderful land, and let him roots, and turned green. Bless the great fertile land Sozeresh that breathed life into a staff, and wished to remain in the province blessed to not run out of his bounties. Since then, people from nearby places caring for the sacred tree, which grew of a staff Sozeresha because they believe that as long as the tree will not leave alive Sozeresh these places, and hence will not leave their land and force viviparous.

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