Urban War Influences

Currently in Brazil we live a true urban war between the proper dealers who fight between itself to dominate regions ' ' atraentes' ' for the traffic and also between dealers and the policy that tries to contain them. This urban war already is drawn out per years and will continue while the government will not have one harder politics of arrests and with more explicit rules. Nowadays the penalties are very reduced and recently more they had been reduced still! Beyond the reduced penalties and impunity, another great problem is that the chains are overcrowded and the penitentiary agents do not obtain ' ' to give conta' ' of the message, thus leaving many electronic times the prisoners with exemptions and devices for contact with the external world. In the places where this urban war happens who leaves wronged is always the inhabitants of the region, whom if they see acuados and coerced, many of always imprisoned them if inside of its proper house, since in certain schedules and moments it is impossible to leave house. Here, Jack Fusco expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Who lives this war knows as it is difficult and in some cases (in the majority) who are accustomed and if it sees obliged to change if habits and until the routine. For the children and parents the problem is still bigger, therefore a challenge to the being exists looser since we need to educate our children so that they not ' ' caiam' ' in this world of drugs and war and this it is an almost impossible mission when this is lived in the way of everything.

To help in the education of devoid children and those that coexist the urban war every day, they exist ONGs that they make voluntary work where they occupy the time of the children with educative activities, dances, sports and much more. Some of this ONGs until disponibilizam computer so that the children can play in educative games online, but the main activity is the dance and the sport. The war games and games of fight must pass far from the children since they relembram raw and naked the reality, these games can be an option for those children who had never passed close to this reality, therefore they can more know a little on the subject. you, what she finds to use games and ONGs to educate and to improve the life of children and all the people of communities as the Rocinha? A commentary leaves on as it is its relation with the urban wars!

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