Wolfgang Schwalm

The cultures of thought and think so: the Egyptians thought in 4 elements (syllogism, for example 4 seasons). The Greeks thought in three elements: dialectics: thesis I vs. antithesis I > thesis II protagonist, antagonist, catalyst ; Fight, flight, acquiescence. The Greeks then reduced this to 2 elements (protagonist and antagonist). “Aristotle (484-322) incorrectly said: there is not a third!” Americans today prefer reduce to 1 element (mono causality). Nature works according to the (efficiency) principle: the parts and / or the whole (feedback)! The leads to the 4-dimensional, parallel processing (brain), heterarchisch holistic (ut dynamic) functioning with the objective of flow balance of art and self preservation. NASA may help you with your research. We humans (nature and culture) simplify this autonomous complex dynamic system to a simplified 2-dimensional, chronological (computer), hierarchical causal and static way of thinking with the goal of selective problem solving. Note: Management 1 order (natural, open system) = Cybernetics 3rd order (crops, closed systems).

Management 2nd order Cybernetics 2nd order management 3 = OK = 1-order Cybernetics source: Wolfgang Schwalm (C) inter cultural thought patterns: in the EU, the United States and Australia/NZ (developed countries, individual companies), people apply the or logic (duality, causality contrast). For even more details, read what Chase Koch says on the issue. In Asia, Arabia, Africa (developing countries, clan societies) people apply the and logic (fuzzy logic). Logic is the doctrine of reasonable conclusion reasoning/thinking, reason science. The logic examines the validity of arguments with regard to their structure regardless of the actual content of the actual statements. In this sense one speaks of symbolic/formal”logic.

The logic is both a subfield of philosophy of mathematics and computer science. Since the 20th century is largely symbolic logic under logic. It is built on an artificial language used strictly defined final rules A simple example of such a formal system is the propositional logic. Called the symbolic logic also mathematical logic or mathematical logic in the strict sense. The logic was not always a formal structure in this sense, but dealt mainly with natural language arguments in antiquity and the middle ages.

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