In the decade of 1980, research had indicated satisfactions and in addition the commitment on the part of the employees with its works, having made coming back to tona the thematic one of the Quality of Life in the Work, especially in the United States, where the concern with the increase of the competitiveness in world-wide level took the Americans if to worry about the new management styles developed by the Japanese, and with the relation between productivity programs centered in the employee and the efforts of QVT (RECHZIEGEL and VANALLE, 1998). In the decade of 1990, the term quality of life in the work started to invade all the spaces and to integrate the academic speeches, relative literature to the behavior in the organizations, the informal programs of total quality, colloquies and the media in general (DONAIRE, ZACHARIAS AND YOUNG CHICKEN, 2005). Of this form, the Quality of Life in the Work, according to Rodrigues (1994), was evolving to the measure that research and interventions in the organizations were carried through. In reason of the great importance of the subject, many and respected authors had looked for to give agreement and to appraise Quality of Life in the Work, as if it can observe to follow.

For Adornment, Borges and Marques (2005), the QVT concept, beyond englobar legal aspects of protection to the worker, attendance to its necessities, humanizao of the work and responsibility of the company in promoting conditions favorable to the worker for the fulfillment of the tasks, includes aspects technological, psychological and sociological. Jason Momoa is often mentioned in discussions such as these. In the same line, Albuquerque and France (1998, apud DONAIRE, ZACHARIAS AND YOUNG CHICKEN, 2005 pg.03) understand Quality of Life in the Work as: ‘ ‘ a set of action of a company who involves diagnosis and managemental, technological and structural implantation of improvements and innovations, inside and outside of the work environment, aiming at propitiating full conditions of human development for and during the accomplishment of trabalho’ ‘.

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