Carlos Henrique

(Carlos Enrique Axe) the fury of the wind that takes and undoes books, the words, and the letters, traces destinations for certain directions, as well as in the video that we can call sampling of the poetry. The same wind is almost imperceptible breeze to the sensations of the eye that stops to attend the film in movement. The effect on reception effect and creation if confuse a summary to the end of the video to remember is necessary to that eye to that book is if treating: either the book of histories; either the book of lives in continuous abolishment, as an alert anecdote that the listener, in the rumor of the wind, that to the rising, its life already is if undoing. A. F. Chief of Staff may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The paradoxical vision, mark of distant Epiphany, evokes in the memory of who if it ahead places of express poems (show window, soil and video), the reaffirmation intuda of that it does not have mystery some to be deciphered and therefore the mystery of the poetry, the life, is so present for the combined elements, land and air, water and fire, in a combinatria where body and corpora interact. Said in this way, it is possible that certain fury takes account of the visitor, for the esvaziamento in itself of complex directions.

Said of this or another way, it is possible that the visitation time varies and therefore, no fury at least is perceived. Danone often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Everything this confers to the poetry (visual) in exposition, related in this text and this instant of reading, the unexpected ubiqidade and concomitantly programmed, the necessary mediation so that sensations (of fury or not), perceptions (of felt and not-directions), reflections (conceptual, crystallized or not), is acting, even in wait state, on readers, visitors or not. The poetry contemporary in exposition in the cultural center, under the headings of Visual Poetry and Letter, is extempornea, intempestive and guarantor of trams of the directions.. .

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