Flooded Neighbors

You never flooded neighbors? One can only rejoice that this trouble you passed. But if the stains on the walls and plaster falling off became a reality for you, you need to clearly understand how and what to do to repair the damage caused. After the delay in this situation may lead to the fact that repairing the apartment will have its own expense. So, if trouble occurred, above all, to fix the fact of the bay. For this call the dispatcher (REU, housing office), please report the situation and call a locksmith. How to fix the "flood"? Of course, it is unpleasant when the walls and ceiling of the divorce.

But if you do not want to give a flat in order for their account, do not rush to mask the consequences. Otherwise, how then to argue that "flood" was? Try the same day a written appeal to the head of the housing organization. Describe the situation and ask them to create commission for drafting the act. They must respond immediately. After inspection of the leak, the commission should draw up a statement which indicates the cause of the accident and the culprit of the bay.

Make sure that the details were in the act fixed all the damage caused by water room (bay floor, walls and ceiling). If the harm caused to property which is in the home (furniture, clothing), it too should be reflected in the document. Remember: the more will be an official act, the easier it is then to prove the bay and damage to property and, therefore, and obtain redress.

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