Snack Activity

5 – Target log book Weekly Planning 06/06/2011 the 10/06/2011 INSTITUTION: CEI Soliria Teacher DIRECTION: Elaine Wentz GROUP: Garden III Prof: Angelita would serve as apprentice de a Cruz Espnola Turn: vesp. YOU DISCIPLINE: Written language, Musics, Arts CONTENTS: Drawings, Paintings, Colagens, works with letter J and tricks. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To work together with the beginning of alfabetizao, the sincronia of the motor coordination, the expressividade through music and movements, and the ludicidade through tricks. Day: 06/06/2011 Received: Wheel of Called music Activity 1: arts; borboletinha you in the kitchen the Content: music, painting and Objective glue: to work motor coordination, the expressividade through music and movements. Resources: paper sulfite, pencil of color, paper suede, shears and glue. Snack Activity 2: written language and arts: working with letter j Content: drawing, Objective painting: to memorize the letter, working the motor coordination. Resources: pencil of color, paper sulfite, small pieces of paper crepom.

Recreation: tricks in the park and wait of the parents. Date: 07/06/2011 Received: Wheel of Called music Activity 1: Portuguese; letter J. clipping of periodicals and magazines. Objective: to together provide to the memorization of the cited letter, working the motor coordination. Resources: paper sulfite, books, periodicals and magazines, shears and glue. SNACK Activity 2: dotted of Objective letter j: to work the coordination for the written language.

Activity 3: reading of historinhas and waits of the parents. Date: 08/06/2011 Activity 1: you syllabify working them of letter J, copying, drawing and painting the same ones. Objective: development of the written language Resources: pencil of color, paper sulfite. SNACK Activity 2: tricks to the outdoors: to jump rope, silly Joo and hatching egg. Objective: to jump rope provides a series of learnings to perfect the motor abilities, to develop the balance, the physical coordination space-weather and capacities. Date: 09/06/2011 Received: Wheel of Called music Activity 1: painting and writing, memorizing the words initiated with Objective letter J.

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