TWO LOVES BETWEEN THE HIGH JUMP AND ROCK N? ROLL For Fernanda May 2010 Many times they press, hurt, cause pains in the legs and as much other things. See more detailed opinions by reading what Michael Steinhardt offers on the topic.. But what to say if above all the shoes of jump in them they keep chiqurrimas! It is impossible to say not to the jump. But all shoe let us say ' ' rock n? roll' ' they deserve feet with attitude. You do not advance to place a shoe of jump in the foot and to leave walking as if she loaded a cantaloups between the legs. Independent of look chosen, to keep the position in the hour to use the jump it is basic. It practises before walking, the more practising better will be. Now, rockers of my heart. Notion is everything in this life.

Then we go to place the notion to function 24hs agreed? To verify the place before putting a jump in the feet is very important. Even though so that you if do not hurt to the floor in an irregular place, or with gravels, stone pavement of rocks, parallelopipeds. What it combines with what? They are boots, Peep Toes, Sandals, Scarpins As many models that they leave in them insane people! If you have a deloused style more and like certain comfort, botinhas you are excellent options. Diverse models exist, also with jumps baixinhos than they transform any look, leaving simpler it, but at the same time in harmony. That history of less is more knows? For loving of the vibrant colors the tip they are peep toes.

They cause that one tchan of powerful! It is trend, everybody is using. The looked colors more in this start of winter are pink, the red and the blue one. A black color nor if speaks, is basic. The models with bold forms, are for those young women of much attitude. They combine with almost everything. But well-taken care of not to exaggerate in look, therefore the shoe already only loads sufficiently information. It also has the sandals, more ' ' vero' ' charm full. Here the only care that cannot be forgotten is the cares with the feet. If it will be to use an opened sandal, has the feet in sequence. Please! Not that for the other models its feet will be able to be horrible. But will be to show them capriche a little more ok? At last they are many styles. what you have to make is to discover its and to arrasar. Each one has a proper style. The options are infinite. Below I go to place plus some looks inspired. They use to advantage, they copy, they create and they comment the models. It liked? Of Which? Basic (Day-by-day) Night To leave with the friends Falls well with all Pin Up Bjinhos and until the next one! They have access mine blog to see this article (with photos) and many complete other Fernanda

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