In Brazil, and consequently in Sergipe, these changes delimit in the horizon which tsunami involving in them, only the forts, the determined ones, the destemidos ones, will be able to sail in these turbulent waters that if approach. Please visit Michael Steinhardt if you seek more information. We live difficult days, the extinguishing of the vestibular contest, the definition of new educational parameters, desestabiliza many professionals, whom today, if they see lost, without north and mainly, indeed scared. What to make in this hour? How the institutions, cultural and educational, will be able arrive in port to supply it necessary, the achievement of the success of an Index of Development of Educao Bsica (IDEB) 1, 6,0? Certainly it will not be repeating the same methods, but innovating, betting in new alternatives. It is in this parameter of innovations, and asking for to excuse you members of the MAC that we are at this moment initiating the Project ‘ ‘ The School goes to the Academia’ ‘ , that, in compliance with the objective of this Sodalcio of enaltecer the intellectual largeness of our people, it looks for to value and to stimulate the literary production, that happens of incipient form in the units of education, mainly of the public net. The 1 Ideb was created by the Inep (National Institute of Studies and Educational Research Ansio Teixeira) in 2007, as part of the Plan of Development of Educao (PDE).

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