
' The elaboration of the thought to interdisciplinar is weaveeed by a wire without-number, slow, patiently intercrossed, articulated, succeeding one to the other, in a sincronia movement, supplying form, solidity, necessary resistance and beleza' '(Farm, 2001, p.32) perhaps This can come to be one of the most beautiful metaphors on the interdisciplinaridade: to construct relations that if intercross by means of a cumulative process of knowledge and that they go gaining horizontes and defining ways and, from them, creating other ways, as if to each end of one, it initiated the other. The metaphor is beautiful, but these ways that if metaforizam in these wires, weaveeed for the teceles, that is, for the citizens right-handers of education/learning, is almost ingentes ways to be trod, leaving of estimated of that this education/learning happens in a space of institutionalized education and technique, that one that seems to have reduced exclusively the tasks of safekeeping of the young generations, where according to Jackson (1991, p.13): ' ' What it is really learned in the classrooms are abilities related with the obedience and the submission to autoridade' '. In this context of institutionalized education and technique, the contents given in classroom finish if reducing to a scope of so great abstraction that they falsify the exercise of the critical reflection on the reality and, consequently, of the participation biggest of the citizens of education/learning in the social environment, because they finish if becoming incompressible, as well as of property of that keep to know e, therefore, the power. In this way, the school follows the hand of the way of the exclusion, of the social division of knowing and making and the education seen with the same eyes of the market: as a product whose quality can be measured, evaluated controlled by means of the symbols that very reflect superficially it: the notes and the concepts.

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