
Much cmoda this position! The people are not obtaining more to discern ' ' certain of errado' ' in this state of things where ' ' everything seems normal' ' to act as the majority turned rule for that they do not want to be ' ' discriminated or relegated to the disdain of grupo' ' for disagreeing with tendenciosos standards without ' ' brakes and contrapesos' ' capable to hinder that ' ' scale of justia' ' it obtains to keep its imparcialidade. It will be that Justice still functions? In this instant, a desvirtuada cultural anomaly of celestial knowing is lived, where ' ' to pierce the line is absolutely normal' ' , ' ' to have preferential attendance vip/for being authority/artist/friend of someone or beltrano/entrepreneur or influential person is comum' ' , ' ' to have some women or men at the same time? it wants either heterossexual or homosexual? a sexual, perfectly acceptable option would be alone in a modern society and liberal' ' , ' ' the bribe would be a question of survival in a corrupt world, therefore if all make ' ' , ' ' to answer to a process is until status, since a great number of authorities of the country is denounced constantly and they continue to usufruct of the immunities and advantages of the positions pblicos' ' , ' ' impunity walks the untied one and alone it would be enough to have influential friends or money to pay good lawyers and to escape unharmed of ' ' severities of lei' ' , ' ' the public security if became private (the calls military services), and the paid citizen of good tax, but alguma&#039 does not have protection; ' , ' ' it has hospitals exactly that only they take care of to the users if to pay to gratuity the corrupt employees, being supplied with resources of the SUS' ' Would have silenced Justice if in way to as many desatinos? It is given credit that in the end of the times the love of many would start to cool and would not have noble reasons to have ' ' piedade' ' of its fellow creature, therefore, what truily it would matter for the unprovided ones of sincere love, he would be ' ' to take off advantage of the others, in view of what they could offer of better stop later descart-los/desprezar them, when not more useful to its interests mesquinhos' '. However, ' ' sword of the Justia' ' well sharp at the hands of that they are not gotten tired to make the good will be capable to prepare ' ' terra' ' when everything to seem lost, therefore exists a intrpido remainder that continues perseverando in making what he is ' ' certo' ' in way the overwhelming shame, seno would not be valid to the penalty to continue living. ' ' To give to each one what it he is devido' ' it would be main characteristic of Justice, but little en vogue at moments of ' ' institucional crisis and of carter' '. Go to PDF Downloads for more information. However, &#039 is believed that only; ' AMOR' ' it will be capable to launch except all the fear to continue perseverante in way to the adverse circumstances of this devoid tenebrous world of mercy. However, if it does not have to tire of if making the good, because opportunely it will have the harvest, seno to esmorecer in the spirit. Campina Grande/PB, 19 of August of 2010. Antonio Landmarks of Oliveira.

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