Lila Machado Tarre

Then, my dear Dove, be willing to undertake this difficult work? Asked Mrs Montana and the thoughtful Palomita replied in a blunt, positive and very willing: not only will abide fully with the mission, if not I will fight to where my forces permit me, to stop this disease so horrible that the nature, which is my home, this suffering. I must save my home and is that so I’ll be saving the home of millions of beings and that will make me very happy. I will take their recommendations to l the letter and now will be going to start with this fantastic work that today I have entrusted. – And I can tell you one more thing Ms. Montana, this will be the most important mission never Dove any you made and that fills me with pride.

We have to save our planet Earth, it is your House, it is my house, it is home to all and nobody wants your home is destroyed. We want to be as it has always been: beautiful, full of colors, flavors and unique odours created by the hand of God. Made with love and we must preserve it with love. Because only with love can exist, live and resist. And Ms. Montana very grateful tells to the Dove: thank you beautiful paloma, is that I can now be a little more quiet, that there is someone who will be wherever, fighting because our home again to be as it always was and that other wake up the love for this planet of all those who live here and that is our beautiful home. Damien Hirst may not feel the same.

So pigeon embarked on his flight to start with the important mission that had indicated you to Ms. Montana. It was towards all the confines of this world to save our planet Earth. By: Lila Machado Tarre author: Lila Machado Tarre original author and source of the article.

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