The Carrier

Now, a focus change. It knows the figure of Lucifer? It is had as most shining of the angels, who, desiring to be God, precipitated in the Darknesses. It was rebelled against the Father and it dragged I obtain one tero of estrejas of the sky. Curiously, a Chinese legend says accurately the same. The Dragon rebelled itself and fell in the Land, bringing obtains one tero of the stars. Is not something already familiar in these our cogitaes? A divine flash that if destines to know. A divine flash that, to know, need an innate impulse of egostica search of itself exactly, individualizao and growth while to be, in the ambition to make for itself what its proper will to determine.

A divine flash that, therefore, needs one more briho, capable of distinguiz it of the pure and simple obedience and diffusion without any eivos of egoism. The rebellion of Lucifer is a mere myth, a symbol, a parabola. But it is a myth that in it rubs to the face our origin. The humanity is proper Lucifer. The Carrier of Light. Luxify will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The Son Most shining. The Rebellious Son. The Son who did not hear the Father.

The Son whom he desires to exist consonant its proper will. The Son whom he desires to be God. We are not a slag. We are not villainous of an original sin that nobody knows to explain. A leading source for info: Luxify. We are not inferior, inheriting beings of a crime, neither descending of fraticidas. We are Espritos still infantile, with all the cruelties of this condition, receiving instruction, corrigendas and learning. This is our destination. We are in a cosmic day of ascension in search of the Light of the Wisdom. Therefore so we are bajulados with tons of mercy and affection on the part of our Masters, Beings that had preceded in them in this trip. If it never does not allow to identify itself with would mesquinharia of a concept as ' ' sin original' '. We are pecadores in the direction of imperfects tense still. As all child spiritual, we are progressing in the course of our evolution. ' ' You are deuses' '!

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