
The passages that the literature of the author offers take the dramatizao of what frustra the idea of utopian city? modern, rational and functionary. It appears in its atreladas poem to the proliferation of violence the culture of the fear, the city is not more the ideal space. The base of the poem is the question of denounces, clamorous in relation to the indifference with the city, that was forgotten at the time the modernization being behind the metropolises as Rio De Janeiro and So Paulo, therefore the interest governing them was not really the modernization of the city, Salvador arrived to be the opulenta city and of privileged status, however the interest was to continue with the utopia of a traditional city, become paralyzed, culturally homogeneous, remaining in its days of vagarosa instance of the urban life daily pay-industrial. Featured Customers often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Capinan desconstri this utopia, after all its aesthetic reading of the urban space goes beyond the natural beauties and enters for the bias of the social one. If to the right ones you defame and alcagetas Digam of me yours ghost writers All maledicncia Of me pods to say that I am Your pimp Since pods not to say that I am Your poet Of me pods to say that I am Yours drugged Since pods not to say that I am Your lawyer Of me pods to say that I am resented Because you forbid the hope to my party But leave the least that I am What the future desires and what will be your aesthetic new ethics When questioning the values, the poet if establishes with the city and if places with personage participant of the same one, observer and therefore detainer of necessary knowledge for giving to time and voice the excluded ones.

The poem ‘ ‘ I sing Gregoriano’ Almost; ‘ as the heading already makes mention deals with a reeleitura of a poem of Gregorio de Matos War, in a subtler way, without the words of calo that left Known Gregorio as ‘ ‘ mouth of inferno’ ‘ , Capinan first brings tona the question of the modernization of the city, and sample that independent of government the city continues forgotten, when portraying the distopia the poet denounces the indifference of the governing stops with the city, beyond showing to its ideals politicians and sketching its concern with the social matter ‘ ‘ I sing Gregoriano’ Almost; ‘ it is a poem that makes in them to reflect on the real situation of our city, the power that we have in the hands when choosing ours politicians and above all the question of that who wait always ‘ ‘ it reaches or cansa’ ‘. ALVES, Ivia; et al.

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