Personal Image

The image is the figure, representation, likeness and appearance of something. The personal image is a tool that if we handle correctly, will help us achieve our objectives, goals and success. It is important to pay close attention in the way we dress, act and express our ideas. When we show ourselves as we recognize our own self and we have an ideal image .- Gaby Vargas. Each person has a feature that differentiates it from others, this may be: visual .- are the people that can describe everything clearly, they can make us imagine a place you know, they are driven by how they see things, rather than by what happens in reality. .- hearing sounds can get to create in them a state of ecstasy, madness or distraction. They are excellent listeners and like to dialogue with themselves and others.

Kinesthetic .- perceive the world through feelings. They have an enormous ability to understand and feel what happens to the other. It could be said to have sixth sense to know whether what they are doing is right or wrong. It is important to know that for a change of image, we must know ourselves first in order to project a real image and thus make the first impression that other people take of us is so good that we never forget. The first impression is what counts in a job interview is your letter, on a date can be the hallmark of a formal commitment at a meeting of friends, where you could become the new group, gaining acceptance. To project a good image, in addition to knowing yourself, know that the physical, verbal and nonverbal are also very important, the identifiers or know how to choose clothes and dress according to the occasion and correctly, and express your ideas, every movement and posture. Finally, to change and improve your image, you need to know to understand how others perceive things as this not only allow us to communicate better, we also let you know what moves to the other and how we can influence them.

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