The Pupil

The proposal is that the pupil acquires a permanent knowledge that oestabelea actively inside of the social events. Ahead of the proposal, we observe that aintegrao you discipline of them is not only the proposal that the PCN+ desire to reach. Next to this, education will have to be contextualizado, and the educator will have to sefirmar in this intention. The PCN+ (2002, P. 68) guide: The concept implies to understand all comoresultado knowledge of a collective construction. In the pertaining to school situation, as resulted permanent dainterao between pupils, professors and school.

Instead of one conjuntode significant information little and descontextualizadas, the knowledge is umpatrimnio dynamic, that if it ahead renews of the doaprendiz intellectual matureness, of new points of view, of the scientific discoveries. I break up allows it in verificarque the reform happens in reaching the reality of the pupil and introducing in the contextosocial that the pupil outside lives deeply of the limits school, the conhecimentosrepassados ones in the school. With this, the learning becomes significant, therefore oaluno finishes identifying – with what the school considers. It is pertinent if for the perspective to guarantee that the pupil develops competnciasnecessrias for torn- ahead lo independent of any option that makes. Either darcontinuidade to the studies or to serve to the professional market. In this direction, they generate innumerable quarrels on the necessity of articulated action dasreas of knowledge and of them it enters, in the intention to reach the objetivospropostos in average education. The PCN+ (2002, p.12) alert in the ones in this direction: The objectives of the new intended education are certamentemais ample of what of the old pedagogical project. Before one desired transmitirconhecimentos to discipline standardized, in the form of eprocedimentos information you stanch; now it is desired to promote general jurisdictions, they quearticulem knowledge, they are these to discipline or not. These competnciasdependem of> understanding of processes and the development of languages, acargo you discipline of them that, in turn, they must be dealt with as camposdinmicos to knowledge and interests, and not as lists to know officers.

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